Change 6 – Women’s Prerogative


I know I said that I said I was going to be working on my morning routine today. I changed my mind.  It is a woman’s prerogative to do so, which I also did yesterday.  Once I started cleaning yesterday I didn’t want to stop so took advantage of my mood to clean.  It happens so rarely I had to.  I took most of the day cleaning and got most of the down stairs clean.  I still have the bathroom left but that will be something I will tackle today.

I had a chance to go out with some of my girl friends yesterday but I decided to pass so I could get some of the other stuff done on my list.  Unfortunately I had a hard time concentrating on that so got little done. I should have been feeling great with what all I accomplished anyway, but instead I was feeling down and lonely.

It did make me realize how I have isolated myself from my female friends.  It started when I went through a break up that really threw me a curve  a few years and I was feeling lost for a couple years after that. It continued even after I got over the relationship and feeling more whole because I was broke and not going out as much. I could have had some unconscious trust issues as well.  At any rate, I find that I am not as close to several of my female friends and know so many other woman that I admire that I would like to get to know better.  I find I miss that more than I realized.  There is something about the connection between two woman that can be so much closer and hold more meaning than with a male friend.  Though my male friends are great and I feel I have lost touch with a couple of them also, there are many more females that I admire and want to connect to.

So for today’s change I will take the next 30 days and purposefully reach out (meaning a phone call or email telling them how wonderful they are, not just random FB messages) and love on at least one of my female friends and others that I admire.  I don’t think I will have any problem finding 30 women who I love and admire, in fact, I may need to go well beyond 30 days.  I can also reach out to the same woman more than once, as long as it is purposeful and not a natural result of my actions.  I hope by the end of 30 days, or however long it takes, that I will start forming stronger bonds with several women and the impact will go far beyond 30 days.

(On a side note, I could have titled this Loving on Women and probably gotten a lot of views. lol)


Today I had a failed experiment with breakfast so settled for frying up some onions and scrambling in two eggs along with some Parmesan cheese. I need to go to the store to get more ingredients so I can make more creative breakfasts.  I had my morning routine done by 8:20 today, including cleaning up after.   As far as my plan for today, most will be repeats until I make them a habit as well so

Clean for 1 1/2 hours (shouldn’t need to go over this much today)

Organize my stuff for Marvin’s room and prepare for VPW board Meeting

Work on TCC for 1 1/2 hours

Write or call one of my female friends

Eat my Frog (get the most difficult thing out of the way right away in the morning)

Apply for 2 jobs

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