Change 4 – comfortable discomfort

As I sit here relaxing and breathing after I ate a breakfast of homemade cinnamon and apple and one fried egg I think about how these simple changes are causing other simple changes such as making a creative healthy breakfast helps me remember to take my vitamins.

Today, or rather last night I made a change that most people probably don’t have to do.  I slept in my own bed. I have been sleeping on the couch with the TV on for so long I can not remember the last time I slept in my own bed.  I woke up many a time with kinks in my neck and was also probably one of the causes of waking up stuffy or with a headache or both.  So I finally cleared off my bed last night, made it and went to sleep.  I only slept 5 or 5 1/2 hours mainly due to the late hour I went to sleep.  I got out of it sooner than I have been when sleeping on the couch though and got some good relaxing and thinking time in plus accomplished a thing or two as well.  All because of one simple change I made. 

The other thing I am reflecting on this morning is how comfortable we all can get with being uncomfortable.  I was comfortable on the couch. Despite the kinked neck and headaches there was a feeling of safety and security sleeping on the couch listening to the TV as apposed to a more isolated vulnerable feeling sleeping alone in my own bed.  It might take a little getting use to but with the help of my trusted teddy bear Fungi, I will be able to get some restful, rejuvenating sleep.  Now i am ready to tackle my plans for today. (see below)

So what about you?  Is there a sleeping habit you could change?  Or perhaps another way that you got comfortable being comfortable?  What simple change can you make that will cause other changes to make your life more comfortable?

Plans for 1/10/2014

1.  Call a couple more venues and find a local for my brothers party. 

2. Do what I can with the marketing plan for VPW and get a publicity meeting together

3. Apply for at least 2 more jobs. 

4. Finish cleaning kitchen

5. Clean bedroom more (It is a disaster lol) 



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